學校將於1月14日開始安排網上學習,按現行時間表上課,敬請家長著 貴子弟按時進入ZOOM 及 eClass PowerLesson 2進行網上學習。
如何登入 eClass, 進入 Power Lesson 2, 完成和呈交網上功課
https://youtu.be/JKO9SNnZGQk (電腦版)
https://youtu.be/220PJ9vc9oQ (手機版)
Powerlesson2詳細教學detail guide:
在 Power Lesson 2 討論及上傳功課 Upload documents in discussion section on Power Lesson 2:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TklOvuIm3A
在 Power Lesson 2 完成工作紙Complete online worksheets on Power Lesson 2 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZtRIkLKm0s
在 Power Lesson 2 上傳功課及錄音Upload photos and audio files on Power Lesson 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Pb29w51J7o
在 Power Lesson 2 檢視老師批改後的功課 Check marked documents by teachers on Power Lesson 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vmyk5zuVpzY
In view of the latest situation of the novel coronavirus epidemic, the Education Bureau announced on 11th January that all primary schools should suspend face-to-face class (from 14th January or before) until schools' Chinese New Year holidays. The school arranges the online teaching for students to continue learning from 14th January. Parents are kindly requested to remind their children to login ZOOM and eClass PowerLesson 2 for online learning.
- Arrange teaching and learning materials for students to learn during the specified periods
- Online teaching and learning materials are placed in eclass, please click the link below to watch how to operate the learning platform
How to login eClass and enter Power Lesson2, finish and hand in online homework.
https://youtu.be/JKO9SNnZGQk (desktop computer version)
https://youtu.be/220PJ9vc9oQ (mobile version)